Linset & Co is the beneficiary of the project entitled “Meta-Eye” in implementation of article 5 of Regional Law 4 February 2022 n. 2 – POR FESR 2021-2027 PR MARCHE FESR 2021/2027 – AXIS 1 – OS 1.3 – Strengthen the sustainable growth and competitiveness of SMEs and the creation of jobs in SMEs, also thanks to productive investments Action 1.3.1 – Support to projects to strengthen the competitiveness of supply chains Intervention
The project aims to strengthen the competitiveness of the Marche production chains through two strategic objectives:
- Implement the use of 3D glasses as support for the management of production processes and field maintenance thanks to augmented reality;
- Improve energy efficiency and reduce environmental impact thanks to new material investments. Thank to a shared digital platform, the measurement of the degree of sustainability is reliable and compliant with current regulations.
The project involves 4 companies:
- Stampatreddi di Orsili Enrico;
- In3dlab S.R.L.;
- Newwave S.R.L.;
- Linset & Co. S.R.L.
The partnership’s total investment amounts to €196,640, with public funding of €98,320.